Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes

There are several ways to diagnose diabetes. Each way usually needs to be repeated on a second day to diagnose diabetes.

Testing should be carried out in a health care setting (such as your doctor’s office or a lab). If your doctor determines that your blood glucose level is very high, or if you have classic symptoms of high blood glucose in addition to one positive test, your doctor may not require a second test to diagnose diabetes.
- See more at: http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/diagnosis/#sthash.2haL6LTW.dpuf

Have you tried organic natto for yourself?

Did it lower your blood pressure ?

Yes I did try nattokinase myself and it did lower my blood pressure here is my story.

My bp hovers around 150/100 if I do nothing about it.  Here are my readings over the 2013 New Year period 156/103 144/92 160/100 not such a happy new year. My cardiologist says the primary cause of my high readings is insulin resistance. He urged me to get it down to below 135/85 or risk a stroke among the bp lowering supplements I am testing is nattokinase. I am taking it in conjunction with aerobics exercise.  Exercise has been proven to enhance the body's own cloting and  decloting system.  So I take organic natto a few hours before exercising just to help the body along.You may get your organic natto from here http://WWW.bpnutritions.com/nattokinase-for-high-blood-pressure-what-you-need-to-know

I tested doses of Two, four and six thoudands FUs just before going for a jog.That’s one,two and three capsules. I then measure my bp over the next two mornings to see what the effect was on my bp. Here are my results. To make it easier to analyze I calculated My mean and arterial pressure ( or single overall figures for bp) and plotted the result on a graph.  This is the effect of one capsule or 2000 FUs. This does not drop my bp at all. Here is the effect of 2 capsules or 4000 FUs .My bp does drop at this dose.  Taking 3 capsules or 6000 FUs does not do much more. Suggesting 2 capsules or 4000 FUs is about the right dose for this brand of natto. This is also the same dose that most reviewers reported working for them.  So I am happy for 4000 FUs about the right dose. The bigger drop in bp here could be because I exercised more intensely.  It suggests more vigorous exercise may help nattokinase lower bp even further. That’s just a guess so yes nattokinase definitely seems to be working for me in lowering My high bp. 

By the Way Did You know hibiscus extract has similar effect on your high blood pressure ? If No, then check out this video here and vist this page as well to know more Www.bpnutritions.com/hibiscus-tea-for-blood-pressure-the-proven-link

Are you sure nattokinase will work in lowering bp? Just to be sure one last time I tested nattokinase again before writing this article. I mentioned before that if I don't get any supplements to bring My bp down it rises to around 150 by 100 after stopping natto just before christmas  my bp predictably rose again so I decided to  test it one more time to see if it would respond to my program.  2 hours before going to exercise I took 1 capsule of natto ,an hour later I take the second capsule  it's about 2 hours before I go exercising .   I will tell you my blood pressure from this morning it was 160 / 100.

That is not good if I do nothing about my blood pressure I take no supplements and don't do exercise my blood pressure will rise to about 150 by 100 and today's reading of 160 by 100 is a bit scary for me. So I have taken my nattokinase and I will be exercising very soon.  And tomorrow morning I'll be taking my blood pressure and discovering whether natto brings down as my recent study has suggested it does. Around 3 hours after taking my nattokinase capsules I go to the park to jog if jogging isn't for you just pick an aerobic exercise that you enjoy.  I added sprint to my routine as earlier results suggested a higher exercise intensity may help natto reduce bp even further sprinting on and off is called interval training.  It's a powerful way to exercise here are my bp results for 4000 FUs or two capsules and here is the results, nattokinase once again dropped my bp and it did so for the second day.  So exercising at a higher intensity may lower bp even more. Now my Bp is 138/99.

Prevention of Diabetes

When you think of managing blood sugar, odds are you obsess over everything you can't have.

While it's certainly important to limit no-no ingredients (like white, refined breads and pastas and fried, fatty, processed foods), it's just as crucial to pay attention to what you should eat. We suggest you start here. Numerous nutrition and diabetes experts singled out these power foods because 1) they're packed with the four healthy nutrients (fiber, omega-3s, calcium, and vitamin D) that make up our Diabetes DTOUR Diet, and 2) they're exceptionally versatile, so you can use them in recipes, as add-ons to meals, or stand-alone snacks.

1. Beans

Beans have more to boast about than being high in fiber (plant compounds that help you feel full, steady blood sugar, and even lower cholesterol; a half cup of black beans delivers more than 7 grams). They're a not-too-shabby source of calcium, a mineral that research shows can help burn body fat. In ½ cup of white beans, you'll get almost 100 mg of calcium—about 10% of your daily intake. Beans also make an excellent protein source; unlike other proteins Americans commonly eat (such as red meat), beans are low in saturated fat—the kind that gunks up arteries and can lead to heart disease.
How to eat them: Add them to salads, soups, chili, and more. There are so many different kinds of beans, you could conceivably have them every day for a week and not eat the same kind twice.

2. Dairy

You're not going to find a better source of calcium and vitamin D—a potent diabetes-quelling combination—than in dairy foods like milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt. One study found that women who consumed more than 1,200 mg of calcium and more than 800 IU of vitamin D a day were 33% less likely to develop diabetes than those taking in less of both nutrients. You can get these nutrients from other foods, but none combine them like dairy does. Stick to fat-free or low-fat versions of your favorite dairy foods—"regular" has a lot of saturated fat.
How to eat it: Drink milk with some meals instead of soda or sugary juices, have yogurt or cottage cheese as a snack or dessert, and use milk to make oatmeal or thicken certain soups.

Source : prevention.com/health/diabetes/diabetes-prevention-healthy-diabetes-diet-foods

Type 1 diabetes cure

Researchers are beginning to get excited again that a cure or near-cure treatment could come as early as within the next decade or two. A diabetes vaccine diabetes vaccine is consistently being investigated to provide a true biological cure for type 1 diabetes.

The aim is for a vaccine to be created that stops the immune system from attacking the body's insulin-producing beta cells.

Another cure prospect gaining momentum is islet cell encapsulation, with stem cells used to create insulin-producing cells that can work without immune system interference.
Type 1 diabetes vaccine

Research into a diabetes vaccine is being made on several fronts, with Selecta Bioscience, a clinical bioscience company, developing a Synthetic Vaccine Particle (SVP) as an immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes.

The vaccine is expected to reprogram the immune system to prevent inflammatory responses to insulin cells, with Selecta currently trialling SVP on mice courtesy of funding from JRDF, a leading global organisation funding type 1 diabetes research.

Elsewhere, the Faustman Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital is currently leading a human clinical trial program to test the efficiency of their Bacillus-Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine. Positive results have already been reported from their Phase I study.

An arthritis drug, abatacept, has also shown it can delay type 1 diabetes progression a year after treatment has been discontinued, with studies again funded as part of JRDF’s Restoration program.

Source :diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-cure.html

Monday, 1 June 2015

How to manage High blood Pressure Through Diet

Eating a heart-healthy diet is important for managing your blood pressure and reducing your risk of heart attack, heart disease, stroke and other diseases.

Some people prefer to follow a specific eating plan where healthy choices are clearly spelled out. The D.A.S.H. plan is proven effective for lowering blood pressure. Others prefer to educate themselves and practice principles for targeted nutrition improvement. Either way, train yourself to make these changes.

Blood Pressure, Breathing, and Stress Management

Blood pressure increases when a person is under emotional stress and tension, but whether or not psychological interventions aimed at stress reduction can decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension is not clear.

Nevertheless, recent studies suggest that ancient relaxation methods that include controlled breathing and gentle physical activity, such as yoga, Qigong, and Tai Chi, are beneficial. People with mild hypertension who practiced these healing techniques daily for two to three months experienced significant decreases in their blood pressure, had lower levels of stress hormones, and were less anxious.